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AAII Projects

AAII Projects

Featured on this page are long-term projects being pursued by AAII associates that could benefit from comments and suggestions. Input from interested individuals would be very much appreciated.

Systems Engineering and Analysis, 5th Edition
Co-authors Blanchard and Fabrycky invite comments and suggestions regarding plans for the next edition. Contact or

Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Co-editors Fabrycky and Mize invite inspection of the ISE Series. New authors are being sought within certain subject areas. Contact or

EDIProD Bi-annually, Poland
Prof. Rohatynski invites participation in the Sixth Biennial International Conference on Engineering Design in Integrated Product Development.

Academic Program Databases
Elizabeth McCrae at invites utilization and improvement of databases for SE Centric Programs and Domain Centric SE Programs (Click AAII Products to access spreadsheets).

Omega Alpha Association
Fabrycky invites comments on the emerging honor society for Systems Engineering. An overview of this unique SE society is available by going to the OAA web site at