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Current Projects

Featured on this page are long-term projects being pursued by AAII principals and associates that could benefit from comments and suggestions. Input from interested individuals would be very much appreciated.

  • Systems Engineering and Analysis, 6th Edition
    Co-authors Blanchard and Fabrycky invite comments and suggestions regarding plans for the next edition of Systems Engineering and Analysis, now under contract with Pearson Prentice Hall. The third co-author is Dr. Thomas Van Huynh at the National University of Singapore.  The 5th Edition appeared in 2010 with a 2011 copyright. Contact or or
  • Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Co-editors Fabrycky and Mize invite continued consideration of the PH ISE Series. New authors are being sought within selected subject areas for consideration by Pearson Prentice Hall. Contact or
  • Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Analysis STEA is anticipated to become the capstone of ISE textbooks that were authored, co-authored, and/or edited by Fabrycky since he first signed with Prentice Hall in 1962. Its unique overarching feature will be the unifying power of systems thinking applied within the model-based process of bringing the human-modified world into being.
  • Academic Program Databases
    Secretary-Treasurer Zachary Miller invites contributions, utilization, corrections, and improvements of databases for System-centric and Domain-centric SE Programs. Contact us.
  • Omega Alpha Association
    Chairman Emeritus Wolter Fabrycky and Secretary-Treasurer Zachary Miller invite comments on the international honor society for Systems Engineering, founded in 2006. An overview is available at  Special attention is directed to the OAA initiative entitled the Systems Engineering Doctoral Dissertation Showcase (SEDDS) with substantial awards given annually.